


首页 >> 最新动态 >>技术知识 >> 河道内淤泥固化怎么处理



  The construction contents of comprehensive treatment include: solidification treatment of sludge in the river, sewage interception, regulation and storage tank, maintenance and improvement of flood discharge capacity, long-term on-line water quality monitoring system, etc. Pudong river is a black and smelly river. Through comprehensive treatment, the water body is required not to be black and smelly,


  The transparency is more than 25cm, dissolved oxygen (do) > 2mg / L, ammonia nitrogen concentration (NH3-N) < 8mg / L, redox potential (ORP) > 50mV, there is no garbage on the riverbed and river surface, and the satisfaction of surrounding residents is more than 90%. After the construction, the river will become deeper and wider, the river will become clear, and the living environment of residents will be improved to achieve the goal of "clear water, smooth river, green bank and beautiful scenery".

电  话   18019590933

Email   710969679@qq.com

联系人   刘经理

地   址   安徽合肥市肥东公园路16号

强力搅拌头,淤泥固化搅拌头,淤泥原位固化设备 出租丨租赁

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